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04 Sep 2011

Special TBG Fundraiser: Cash for Cunts

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Regular visitors will know that we've been working on an iPhone version of War on Terror and after 10 long months it's finally coming together. What you don't know is that we had plans to licence Jarvis Cocker's satirical masterpiece, (Cunts Are Still) Running the World, to play alongside the end-game credits. Sadly, negotiations with the label fell through because we just couldn't afford it. And rather than give up, we thought we'd try begging instead. Hello!

Now the label, Rough Trade, are actually being very reasonable and have come down from £1500 to £1200. For a track like this, for a worldwide licence, we think that's a pretty good deal; it's just way outside our budget. So what we've done is set up a campaign over on artsy fundraising site, Indiegogo. We're calling our campaign, Cash For Cunts.

screenshot from War on Terror, the boardgame, the application - opening game menu

Here's the thing - for us to blow £1200 we don't have on an experiment that might get banned from iTunes the day it's released is just foolhardy. But 600 people all donating £2 and it's in the bag, with no one any the worse off - that's so doable! We have 600 unique visitors a day. We can actually do this in 24 hours!

To make things a bit more appealing, as well as being able to bask in the glow of having done a truly good deed, we're offering rewards for your kind donations. If you donate £20 for example, you'll get a signed, limited edition "Cash for Cunts" fundraising poster by the one-and-only Tom Morgan-Jones. The more you give, the greater the reward on offer. Full details are on our indiegogo page.

screenshot from War on Terror, the boardgame, the application - terrorist turn announcement

Maybe though you can't afford to spare any money, or maybe you've simply decided that this cause is the most narcissistic and immature fundraiser you've ever come across. Both are fair positions to take. However, you can still help us by spreading the word. Maybe you know Jarvis? Send him our video pitch! (see below) Failing that, just clicking on the share buttons and helping us shout about it will do the trick. Most of these campaigns run for 60-80 days to achieve their goal. Unfortunately we don't have that amount of time, so if we don't achieve our target by the end of September, everyone gets refunded and we don't get a penny. And that would be a real tragedy.

So please, please, please help us realise our dream of having this song accompany our app. Apart from anything, it would be an amazing tribute to a unique artist.

Now you've sat through all that, here's the good stuff. Sit back and watch what a sweaty day's work in a hot caravan brought forth:

Read more and donate on Indiegogo: www.indiegogo.com/cash-for-cunts

Thank you, thank you. Thank you.

Posted by TerrorBull Games on 4 September 2011 - 6 comments

Comments so far:

  1. If you promise me you'll make an Android version of the game I'll donate! At least a fiver too. Go on, you know you want too... Pretty please?Rohan from Bristol - 5 September 2011
  2. Hi Rohan, we'd definitely love to make an Android version (especially as that's what I prefer) but it all depends on how our iOS experiment goes. So that's a promise of intent - good enough? :)TerrorBull Games - 9 September 2011
  3. i will donate copius amounts of cash if you bring this to webOS. Please please please please for the love of all that is war on terror port it to webOS!!!!jon d from ohio - 9 September 2011
  4. Also, i am planning on donating the 85 dollar amount anyway. Just please do not forget about those who are not apple fans. I understand it is the best place to launch your digital version of WOT, but once it skyrockets in popularity, please bring it to webOS and Android. With Love, The guy with the Double Chin on the 20 Million Dollar Bill of WOT ;)jon D from ohio - 9 September 2011
  5. Hey Jon! Good to see you round these parts and I totally hear what you're saying. Between you and me, I didn't even own an Apple device until I had to buy one for development purposes. It is a great platform to launch on, but after that we really hope we have enough impetus and interest to bring it to the web and also Android. Early signs are that it's a remarkably playable 15/20 minute game - and that's without multiplayer at the moment. I'm more surprised than anyone that it's actually working!TerrorBull Games - 10 September 2011
  6. so glad to hear! I can't imagine how you guys got a game that could last 10+ hours down to 15-20 minutes. That's crazy. Really hope war on terror mobile gets really popular so that I can see it on the webOS operating system in the future! Especially with cross platform multiplayer! Good times ahead! :-)jon d from ohio - 13 September 2011

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