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You make the rules

Want to be credited with changing the path of the 'War on Terror'? How could you refuse? Now is your chance to help us develop the 2nd Edition of the game.
The official version won't be released until next year, but we are making the new rules available for FREE during its testing period so that you can tell us what you think. We've changed rules, added rules and introduced new cards so there are now such evils as permanent military bases, extraordinary rendition and terrorist groups with indigenous territory claims...all in the interests of improving game play and keeping it as up to date as possible. We are keeping a few ideas back until the official release so you will just have to wait for those surprises, unless of course we leave our top secret details on a train for anybody to pick up - We've checked with our government and these things do happen quite often apparently.
Because we want Edition 2 to be the best it can all constructive feedback is welcome and for those ideas that make it into the final game you will receive a respectful accreditation. If you fear that having your name associated with our board game would bring a cloud of shame upon you and your family, you'll lose your job and maybe your home, or you simply think that receiving the odd death threat would niggle somewhat then you are welcome to use a false name when submitting ideas. But then the terrorists would win.
You can download a document which will help you to convert your existing set without too much trouble. And you can see what everybody else is thinking about these changes on this board game geek thread. So let the games begin...and we look forward to hearing from you, you crazy bastards.
Posted by TerrorBull Games on 12 June 2008 - 0 comments